Manchester Crown Court - Gas Boilers

Manchester Crown Court - Minshull Street.

16 boilers totalling 2.4MW upgrade at Manchester Crown Court in partnership with Honeywell. Boilers supplied by Viessmann Vitodens 200 150kW

The 8 existing boilers had reached the end of their useful life at 20 years old, were non-condensing with old technology making them non-efficient by today’s standards.

The main goal of the project was to reduce utility consumption and reduce CO2 emissions. The challenge was to install new condensing boilers utilising the same flue route. This meant that existing flue had to be lined. Working with our specialist flue contractor Chimflue we lined the existing stack with FuranFlex®. This part of the works was very complex and required access into the court house in one of the judges chambers where the flue T’d from two into one.

The project was installed for Honeywell and is the largest Vitodens 200 150kW install in the UK with 16 Boilers providing 2.4MW power in 4 banks of 4 cascaded boilers.
We chose to use Viessmann boilers for their efficiency and size allowing us to gain easy access into a restricted basement plantroom in the centre of the building with no direct external access. 

The Vitodens cascade system controlled by the Vitotronic 300 and linked into the existing BMS also promotes greater control over the heating system of such an old building where the heating demand can vary significantly. 

We also replaced 20 pumps changing them from fixed speed to variable speed and linking them to the existing BMS which will reduce electricity use at non-peak demand.

Link to press release from Viessmann

  Before Photographs

< Finding the flue T

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